Our mission statement
Our mission is to encourage, motivate and activate Slovenians towards a sustainable, healthy lifestyle that “gets into our blood” and becomes our new habit. Through our daily choices, we are responsible for 72% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce them, we need to change mindsets and habits about diet, mobility, consumption and the way we live. Our aim is to help individuals adopt positive and healthy behavioural patterns for a sustainable lifestyle.
- Raising awareness and education on sustainable lifestyles
- Helping to change people's mindsets and lifestyles
How to change your lifestyle? Easy, you only need 21 days!
Lifestyle change takes time and a high level of motivation. Medical research and professional literature state that we can build a habit in 21 days and make it part of our lifestyle in 90 days. Build sustainable healthy habits through 21 day cycles presented through sustainable challenges that are delivered through useful content over 90 days.
More information can be found at the links below

Do you know what your carbon footprint is? Do you know how to create a sustainable lifestyle?
Tina Remic
MSc International Development Management, MA International Development Management, University of Westminster, London. Internationally certified yoga teacher, StaffordshireI am first a proud mum of two beautiful girls, then the founder of Sustainable Challenge 21, a Master in Development Management and an internationally certified yoga teacher. Despite a long career in development in the financial industry, my life today is dominated by my passion for yoga and my desire to help individuals build positive habits, a strong self-image and a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.
Patricija Kožuh
Master's degree in psychosocial support from the Cognitive Behavioural Approach, Faculty of Applied Social Studies in Nova GoricaDuring my studies, my desire to nurture the mental and spiritual world of human beings opened the way for me to explore two practices that are very popular and interconnected today – mindfulness and compassion. In particular, the meditation retreats, the participation in the design and delivery of the mindfulness courses, the psychotherapy and the professional and compassionate support I received from the teachers during the training sessions have been valuable experiences for me. Recently, however, my heart and eyes have been reopened, above all by my fresh role as a mother and by the everyday dynamics and charms of family life.
Miha Lukanc
Bachelor's degree in economics, Faculty of Economics, University of LjubljanaIn total, I have 16 years of experience in business development oriented projects, sales, marketing, management and implementation of customer relationship management. I am a proud dad to a 13 year old son and a 10 year old daughter. I am a passionate sportsman who much prefers to be on a bike instead of a car.
Professional Council of the Institute
The Expert Council is a collegial expert body of the Sustainable Challenge 21 Institute, composed of 3 to 9 members, which discusses issues related to the professional work of the Sustainable Challenge 21 Institute and decides on professional issues, in particular:
- provides the technical basis for the work and development programmes of Sustainable Challenge 21
- give opinions and proposals to the Director of the Sustainable Challenge 21 Institute on the organisation of the programme’s professional work and on the conditions for the development of activities through the introduction of modern working methods
- considers proposals for the programmes of the Sustainability Challenge Institute’s sustainability workshops and reports on their implementation
- to consider any other questions that may arise in the field of the professional work of the Sustainable Challenge 21 Institute
The Expert Council may also involve, as appropriate, other internal Sustainable Challenge Institute experts, volunteers or external experts working directly or indirectly in the field of sustainable development.
Council members: